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Icamiaba Cristina

Cristina's work is aimed at generating income and assistance support for dozens of rip rap women in Redenção, in the west zone of Manaus. She provides her neighbors with training in cutting and sewing and creating objects made from recyclable materials.

Strategic planning


The materials are donated by surrounding residents in containers specially created for this purpose, as part of environmental education work that was built in partnership with other activists and organizations, such as Grupo TransformaAção and Fundação Amazônia Sustentável. In this important work, residents are advised not to throw garbage in the Igarapé do Gigante, on which the Redenção rip rap shacks were built.

Due to the enormous environmental and visual impact of the work she develops there, Cristina has already obtained support from several important institutions, in addition to the aforementioned Fundação Amazonas Sustentável, such as the Fundação Rede Amazônica, Manaus City Hall and even from our Manauara Community Association, through our 2023 notice. However, with all the support and without an institutional or management structure for the resources she receives, Cristina had difficulties in being accountable and achieving the goals agreed with her partners. We ourselves had to interrupt the transfers of the 2023 Manauara notice due to these problems.

It was from this difficult experience with Cristina that we conceived the Icamiabas Fund and our current work dynamics.Like other community leaders from the poorest areas of Manaus, Cristina has no focus or training in management activities. That's where we plan to support her with our strategic philanthropy work over two years, providing financial resources from the Icamiabas Fund, as well as personal, organizational and networking coaching.

The cutting and sewing with recycled materials is the main activity that Cristina develops, both for her subsistence and to help the women she serves to have a more dignified way of life. Based on the classes she teaches, these women continue producing textile items in their homes. The collective's sales take place at fairs in which they participate in various parts of Manaus.

The space where she develops her work,the headquarters of the Reusa Project, which is led by Cristina, was acquired and renovated with the support of the various entities mentioned above. Eight sewing machines were purchased with resources from the 2023 notice from the Manauara Community Association. Cristina prefers not to institutionalize the Reusa project, keeping it as an open movement. Inspired by this and by the dynamics of the fellows of the traditional international non-profit institution Ashoka, we developed the concept of the Icamiabas Fund and support for the physical person of social entrepreneurs, and not for an NGO.


Strategic planning

As a beneficiary of the Icamiabas Fund, Cristina received a Swile debit card, which is recharged monthly with small amounts that we transfer through the co-creation of a work plan for the following 30 days. At the end of the month, she reports to us on what she has done, sends a printout of the card statement and coordinates with us the activities for the following month. In this way, little by little, we will guide its work and provide resources in a timely manner, so that it can fully develop its potential. Over a period of two years, the strategic philanthropy we practice seeks to encourage the flourishing of each Icamiaba as a social entrepreneur on a sustainable basis.

Below, the monthly planning and reporting, with the most recent information at the top and the oldest below.

What was planned

  • Through a survey it was decided that during the month of May the focus will be on creative sewing workshops. Items such as denim rugs, napkins, kitchen sets, hand towels, aprons and other kitchen items.
  • Fund resources will be used to purchase gas and ingredients for fabrics and trimmings.

What was accomplished

  • Sewing workshops were held on the 15th (13 students), 17th (10 students), 20th (11 students), 22nd (11 students), 24th (10 students) and 27th May (10 students)
  • Four new students who had never had contact with sewing started the workshops
  • All parts stipulated in the planning were produced

Swile Debit Card Detailed Statement

•⁠ ⁠R$ 25,00 > Uber(transporte para compra de material);
•⁠ ⁠⁠R$31,00> Uber (transporte para comprar material);
•⁠ ⁠R$ 73,75> Tecidos para oficina criativa;
•⁠ ⁠R$ 71,00 >material para as oficinas de costura criativa;
•⁠ ⁠⁠R$17,10> material para oficina de costura criativa;
•⁠ ⁠⁠R$134,36>material de oficina de costura criativa (tecidos);
•⁠ ⁠R$ 16,66 > merenda para oficina; (Pão ,café);
•⁠ ⁠R$ 48,37 > merendas (pão, café e leite,mortadela , picadinho,nissin );
•⁠ ⁠⁠R$14,79>merendas (banana,feijão)

What was planned

  • As mulheres do grupo decidiram focar em trabalhos de crochê já que o dia das mães está chegando. As peças serão: camin hos de mesa, tapetes, guardanapos eamigurumis
  • Recursos do fundo serão utilizados para comprar compra de barbantes para tapetes, tecidos para guardanapos, linhas para barradinhos.
  • You do not need to use fund resources for another emergency issue.

What was accomplished

  • foram realizadas 4 oficinas de guardanapos, nos dias 08, 10, 12 e 15 de abril, com 18 alunas
  • foram realizadas 4 oficinas de amigurumis, nos dias 17, 19, 22 e 23 de abril, com 14 alunas
  • foram realizadas 2 oficinas de barbante (caminho de mesa) nos dias  26 e 29 de abril, com 12 alunas

Swile Debit Card Detailed Statement

•⁠ ⁠R$ 15,00 > combustível (transporte para compra de material);
•⁠ ⁠R$ 30,00 > combustível (transporte para compra de material);
•⁠ ⁠R$ 497,50 >material para as oficinas de crochê (linhas, olhos para amigurumi, bojo cortinão e argola de chaveiro).
•⁠ ⁠R$ 132,00 > material para oficina de crochê (pano de prato);
•⁠ ⁠R$ 24,04 > merenda (pão, café e leite);
•⁠ ⁠R$ 70,74 > material complementar aula de crochê em guardanapo (pano de prato ) e merenda (café, ovos, couve e vinagre).
•⁠ ⁠R$ 68,00 > carga de gás do RIP ART;
•⁠ ⁠R$ 11,19 > merenda (pão e leite).
•⁠ ⁠R$ 146,75 > material complementar aula de crochê amigurumi (linhas, marcadores de ponto, ponteira ,bojo cortinão).
•⁠ ⁠R$ 18,35 >merenda (pão e bolo).
•⁠ ⁠R$29,99 > material complementar para impressão de receitas de tapete e centro de mesa de crochê (papel sufit).
•R$39,94> merendas e sacolas.

What was planned

  • encerramento oficina ecobag dias 1 e 2; oficinas de puff de garrafa PET nos dias 11, 13 e 15.
  • Os recursos do fundo serão usados para compra de tecidos, durex, elásticos, espuma, lanches para oficinas e transportes para compras de material.
  • Emergencialmente recursos do fundo podem ser usados para pagamento de conta de água e gás.

What was accomplished

Foram realizadas cinco oficinas no mês de março:
08/3 e 13/03 – Foram realizadas oficinas de ECOBAGS com a participação de 16 mulheres. Em cada oficina foram confeccionadas 32 bolsas. Cada mulher ficou com uma e o grupo ficou com 16. As mulheres podem vender suas unidades e as 16 do grupo serão vendidas em feira que está sendo organizada
13/3 – Foi iniciada a oficina de pufes com a participação de 14 mulheres
19/3 – continuidade da oficina de pufes
26/3 – continuidade da oficina de pufes
27/3 – ultima oficina de pufes
Foram produzidos 11 pufes (ficarão para o grupo) e além desses cada mulher levou material para fazer um pufe adicional
Cada pufe leva 18 garrafas e o valor de venda de cada pufe é R$ 40,00
Todos os produtos que são do coletivo serão colocados à venda em um bazar que está sendo organizado dentro da comunidade para acontecer no dia 01/05

Swile Debit Card Detailed Statement

– R$13,16 > ⁠⁠merenda
– R$ 242,40 > tecido para as oficinas dos puffs
– R$ 39,36 > fita adesiva para oficina de puff
– R$ 59,10 > espuma para a oficina de puff
– R$ 41,64 > conta de água
– R$22,48 > merenda
– R$19,07 > merenda, café e refrigerante
– R$21,76 > merenda

What was planned

  • 3 oficinas de costura para fazer ecobags
  • apresentação de Dona Cris para outra Icamiaba e para Amazonas do Bem

What was accomplished

A atividade principal (culinária) teve os seguintes encontros:

  • 22/2 (qui) participação no evento Amazonas do Bem e Fundo Icamiabas
  • 23/2 (sex) Oficina de costura ecobag
  • 27/2 (ter) Oficina de costura ecobag
  • 28/2 (qua) Oficina de costura ecobag

Swile Debit Card Detailed Statement

– 19,85 > merenda teste cartão
– 24,00 > linhas teste cartão
– 25 > taxi
– 25 > taxi
– 15,00 > uber
– 227,00 > tecidos
– 17,16 > tecidos
– 15,00 > taxi
– 36,97 > lancha para oficina