Responsible for evaluating and indicating the projects that should be supported in each of our notices, defining the main lines of our strategic planning, in addition to sharing their networking, opening doors for the Board's efforts both in fundraising and mapping needs from the city of Manaus.
Quem somos
Our advisors

Jorge Porto
Research coordinator at INPA (National Institute for Amazonian Research), PhD in Freshwater Biology and Inland Fisheries, advises and judges projects and programs at FAPEAM (Amazonas), FAPESPA (Pará), CNPq and Capes.

Jander Manauara
Rapper, cultural articulator and videomaker. Director of the Associação Cultural Hip Hop Urbano da Amazônia, supports community leaders and socio-environmental impact projects in various parts of the East and North regions of Manaus.

Phelippe Daou Júnior
Engineer with a Master's degree in Financial Management, businessman and CEO of the Rede Amazônica Group, affiliated with Rede Globo in the northern region of Brazil.

Brunna Zogbi
Partner at Caravela Capital. Previously he worked for 3 years at Endeavor supporting the fastest growing entrepreneurs in Brazil and was Head of Prospecting at the impact investment fund Vox Capital.

Semy Ferraz
Engineer specializing in wooden structures, Social Responsibility Manager at Águas de Manaus S.A.

Jean Leão
Environmental engineer at the Soka Amazônia Institute, Manager of the Private Reserve Dr. Daisaku Ikeda, specialist in socio-environmental projects and environmental instructional design.

Ulisses Tapajós
Consultant and president of Ação Investimentos, he was president of MASA da Amazônia and member of CODESE (Council for Sustainable and Strategic Economic Development of Manaus).

Dalton Cabral
Managing partner of DPC Empreendimentos Imobiliários and advisor to the Associação Parque Mosaico Amazônia.

Osiris Silva
Economist and consultant, he was Municipal Secretary of Economy and Finance of Manaus, as well as State Secretary of Finance, Tourism, Industry and Commerce of Amazonas. Member of the Geographic and Historical Institute of Amazonas.

Geraldo Feitoza
CEO of INDT (Institute for Technological Development), one of the main independent research centers applied to technological projects in the country.
Our board
Responsible for the operation, fundraising, project monitoring and communication of the Manauara Community Association

Célia Petit
Partner of ORÉ Innovation in Social Impact, creator of the Alliance for Igarapé do Gigante, founding partner of Agência Cora, former Account Director at Agência Gude.

Ricardo Anderáos
Partner of ORÉ Innovation in Social Impact, Executive Director of the PDR Philanthropic Fund, creator of the Alliance for the Igarapé do Gigante, former VP of Innovation at Ashoka for Latin America, former Editorial Director of Huffington Post Brasil
Our associates
Founders of the Manauara Community Association, responsible for nominating Council members, ratifying Councilors' nominations for project support, electing the Board of Directors, approving our entity's strategic planning and budget.

Giselle Mascarenhas – creator of the TransformAção Group that operates in the Redenção community, Gender and Diversity Consultant at FAS (Fundação Amazônia Sustentável), producer of Virada Sustentável Manaus.

Jadson Maciel
Creator of Remada Ambiental de Manaus, president of the Tarumã Açú Hydrographic Basin Committee, owner of the company SUPAmazonas Stand Up Paddle.

Luiz Cruz Villares
He was Financial Administrative Superintendent at FAS (Fundação Amazônia Sustentável), and previously Project Director at Instituto Peabiru and former Director of the NGO

Nelson Zogbi
Chairman of the Board of Maiz Empreendimentos e Participações Imobiliárias, the company responsible for the urban development of the Parque Mosaico neighborhood in Manaus.

Célia Petit
Partner of ORÉ Innovation in Social Impact, creator of the Alliance for Igarapé do Gigante, founding partner of Agência Cora, former Account Director at Agência Gude.

Ricardo Anderáos
Partner of ORÉ Innovation in Social Impact, creator of the Aliança pelo Igarapé do Gigante, former VP of Innovation at Ashoka for Latin America, former Editorial Director of Huffington Post Brasil.