What we do
What does a community association do?
- 1) Fund-raising
- 2) Financial management
- 3) Search and discovery
- 4) Resource distribution
- 5) Project monitoring
It raises financial resources from large and small donors, public and private funds, and encourages a culture of donation among those who frequent the municipality and especially among merchants and the local population.
Stimulating a culture of donation among the local population is fundamental to the concept of community foundations and institutes. Only by engaging the benefiting community itself can an institution of this type aim for long-term sustainability.
Financial management of philanthropic funds.
Provides financial management of philanthropic funds created with resources raised from donors to benefit projects by NGOs and local activists.
Philanthropic funds (called “endowments” in English) are new in Brazil. The law that regulates them was only approved after the fire at the National Museum, and thanks to along campaign led by IDIS. Abroad, however, endowments finance very important institutions, such as the main museums, universities and NGOs in the USA and Europe.
These are donation funds, with their own bank accounts, whose financial management and application are carried out by the Community Association.
Created for a specific purpose or donor, these funds can be directed to support projects in a priority cause, a sub-region of Manaus or exclusively for donations from a company, family or individual donor. Philanthropic funds allow for better management of donated resources and transparency of applications.
Research on local NGOs and activists.
It maintains constant research on NGOs and local activists with impact initiatives in the territory, promotes their ongoing training and supports them in their efforts to develop projects to receive the resources offered by donors.
Constantly mapping the demands of the local population and the actions already developed by social movements, NGOs and local activists is the heart of the work of associations, institutes and community foundations. The partners gathered in the Aliança pelo Igarapé do Gigante guarantee that our Association has a deep knowledge of the territory and social field of Manaus.
Distribution of resources to NGOs and local activists.
Using technical criteria and total transparency, it distributes resources to selected projects of local NGOs and activists, helping donors achieve their philanthropic goals.
The distribution of resources raised by the Association is based on the analysis of the Council made up of community leaders, philanthropists, activists, members of NGOs, businesspeople and local personalities.
Monitoring projects and reporting impact to donors.
It monitors projects by receiving reports from NGOs and local activists on the use of resources, activities carried out, goals and indicators, reporting the impact generated to donors and thus encouraging the continuity of support granted.
Measuring the impact of projects and reporting the socio-environmental benefits of each dollar provided by social investors is essential to guarantee the continuity of supported projects. To this end, we use different methodologies, with emphasis on those disseminated by Insper Metricis, an academic institution that carries out studies on organizational strategies and management practices involving projects with the potential to generate high socio-environmental impact.