Icamiaba Alda
Alda has enormous positivity and an energy that seems (but is obviously not) inexhaustible. Deeply imbued with the mission of helping her community, she ends up compromising her own family income and her health.Your performance needs more focus to be structured in a sustainable way. It is precisely at this point that we plan to support her with our strategic philanthropy work over two years, providing financial resources from the Icamiabas Fund, as well as personal, organizational and networking coaching.
The cooking is the main activity that Alda develops, both for her subsistence and to help the women she serves to have a more dignified way of life. Based on the classes she teaches, these women continue producing food in their homes. Sales take place within the neighborhood itself. Alda's income comes from selling lunch boxes at construction sites in the region and from temporary work as a cook.
On this journey she created a social organization called Instituto Renascer Maria Rebeca, which is partially regularized and needs our support to become 100% operational again.
The space where he develops his work, the Institute's headquarters, shares an address with his residence, where he lives with his two children and daughter-in-law. The creation of an architectural project so that the place has a more adequate structure, with emphasis on an industrial kitchen and a room for various courses, and the search for donations to carry out this work is another of our priorities.
On average, Alda serves 20 women/month in its main activity (cooking classes).In weekly workshops, she teaches women simple dishes (feijoada, dumplings and puddings in a pot, mousses and other sweets in a glass, pizzas in a blender, etc.) that can be made in their homes and then sold in the community. The lack of inputs and equipment is what makes their work most difficult.
In total, it provides direct support to more than a hundred people in the community.In cutting and sewing classes it serves around 15 women/month, in workshops that take place twice a week. It also recruits volunteers to offer other activities and training, including preparing CVs for younger people, IT for older people, martial arts, etc. Social assistance work is carried out across the board, covering pregnancy prevention for adolescents, awareness of obstetric violence for pregnant women and climacteric support for mature women, among other issues.
As a beneficiary of the Icamiabas Fund, Alda received a Swile debit card, which is topped up monthly with small amounts that we transfer by co-creating a work plan for the following 30 days. At the end of the month, she reports to us on what she has done, sends a printout of the card statement and coordinates with us the activities for the following month. In this way, little by little, we will guide its work and provide resources in a timely manner, so that it can fully develop its potential. Over a period of two years, the strategic philanthropy we practice seeks to encourage the flourishing of each Icamiaba as a social entrepreneur on a sustainable basis.
Below, the monthly planning and reporting, with the most recent information at the top and the oldest below.
What was planned
- Workshops are planned on the 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th, during which sweet dishes for Mother's Day, pastries, balls, stuffed cakes and puff pastries will be taught. All dishes are designed for individual sale, increasing the possibility of generating income.
- Resources from the fund will be used to buy gas and ingredients to hold cooking workshops, in addition to paying for transportation for purchases and Institute employees and internet bills if necessary.
- Other actions unrelated to the main activity (do not use fund resources):
- Entrepreneurship and food handling workshop held by the Amor Delas institute
- Celebration of Mother's Day at Seicho-No-IE headquarters promoted by Dra Graça (15 women will be taken in vans Dra Graça is the representative of SEICHO-NO-IE in Manaus)
- On June 1st, there will be a charity feijoada to raise funds to carry out maintenance at the Institute.
What was accomplished
Todas as oficinas de massas e doces (nos dias 2, 9, 16, 23 e 30) foram realizadas. Algumas mulheres já vão começar a vender empadas e banoff.
Dia das mães também ocorreu. Palestra com Dra Graça sobre cuidados com o corpo e com bebês foi realizada. Oficina de manipulação de alimentos será realizada no início de junho.
NOTE 1: IPTU is regularized. CNPJ regularization in progress;
NOTE 2: The project on teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases continues to evolve. Alda intends to collect data. Anderáos suggested that Manauara help structure a project that includes not only research, but the creation of a methodology for this work. We will hold a meeting to discuss this issue exclusively.
Swile Debit Card Detailed Statement
-14 40 transport
-331.75 ingredients for cooking course
-118,00 Gás
-38,30 transporte
-13,70 transporte
-12,70 transporte
-15,70 transporte
-11,60 transporte
-17,10 transporte
-13,40 transporte
-13,40 transporte
-7,00 transporte
-68,40 ingredientes para curso de culinária
-28,90 transporte
-10,20 transporte
-15,60 transporte
-26,60 transporte
-18,40 transporte
-31,85 ingredientes para curso de culinária
-0,79 estorno
-172,13 ingredientes para curso de culinária
-22,70 Curso
What was planned
- Atividade principal (culinária) a partir da 2ª quinzena de março, expectativa de realizar 5 oficinas, nos dias 1, 8, 15, 22 e 29
- Recursos do fundo serão utilizados para comprar ingredientes para realizar oficinas de culinária (feijoada normal, vegana, fricassê de frango creme de camarão) e para transporte, tanto nas compras quanto na venda de quentinhas.
- You do not need to use fund resources for another emergency issue.
What was accomplished
A atividade principal (culinária) teve os seguintes encontros:
dia 01 – oficina de culinária mini bolos
dia 08 – oficina de culinária pudins
dia 15 – oficina de culinária empadas
dia 22 – oficina de culinária bolo no pote,
dia 29 – oficina de culinária taça da felicidade
O número de participantes em cada dia de atividade foi de doze pessoas. Abaixo, vídeo publicado nas redes sociais do Instituto Renascer Maria Rebeca, criado pela Dona Alda, documentando essas atividades.
Swile Debit Card Detailed Statement
– 18,40 transporte
– 07,20 transporte
– 118,00 gás
– 15,40 transporte
– 354,62 ingredientes para Curso
– 8,50 transporte
– 11,60 transporte
– 289,13 ingredientes para Curso
– 8,50 transporte
– 22,40 transporte
+ 56,90 estorno
– 34,82 transporte
– 5,86 transporte
– 10,50 transporte
– 20,22 ingredientes para Curso
– 10,50 transporte
– 16,90 transporte
– 14,20 transporte
– 19,50 transporte
– 17,40 transporte
What was planned
- Atividade principal (culinária) expectativa de realizar nos dias 04, 11, 18 e 25 de abril oficinas de sopas e caldos para serem vendidas na porta de hospitais, UBS, maternidades, escolas
- Recursos do fundo serão utilizados para comprar gás e ingredientes para realizar oficinas de culinária, transporte para as compras e colaboradores do Instituto
- Recursos do fundo para questão emergencial serão usados para transporte em visita ao ginecologista e pagar a mensalidade da internet.
OBS 1: ainda este mês planeja estar com IPTU regularizado;
OBS 2: gravidez na adolescência e doenças sexualmente tanasnissíveis estão aumentando muito na comunidade, funcionário da secretaria assembleia municipal na área da saúde (Alex) está em conversas para que ela desenvolva algum trabalho de assistência social com foco nesses problemas
What was accomplished
A atividade principal (culinária) teve encontros nos dias 4, 11, 18 e 25 de abril ensinando preparação de mocotó, carne, frango e feijão. recursos Recussos financeiros foram usados para comprar gás e ingredientes, além de transporte para trazer as compras. Ações desvinculadas da atividade principal: aula de yoga com professora voluntária.
Extrato detalhado do cartãode débito Swile
– 15,90 App transporte
– 8,50 App transporte
– 118 Gás
– 367,70 ingredientes para curso
+ 0,45 estorno App transporte
+ 5,30 estorno App transporte
– 8,70 App transporte
– 7,38 App transporte
– 236,38 App
– 7,65 App
– 32,63 App transporte
– 26,89 App transporte
– 28,40 App transporte
– 4,30 App transporte
– 16,90 App transporte
– 17,40 App transporte
– 22,10App transporte
– 19,27 App transporte
– 4,30 App transporte
– 4,30 App transporte
– 8,20 App transporte
– 34,28 App transporte
R$ 0,00 SALDO
What was planned
- Atividade principal (culinária) expectativa de realizar 5 oficinas, nos dias 1, 8, 15, 22 e 29 de fevereiro
- Recursos do fundo serão utilizados para vai comprar gás e ingredientes para realizar oficinas de culinária (feijoada normal, vegana, fricassê de frango creme de camarão), transporte para as compras.
- You do not need to use fund resources for another emergency issue.
What was accomplished
A atividade principal (culinária) teve os seguintes encontros:
dia 01 – oficina de culinária mini bolos
dia 08 – oficina de culinária pudins
dia 15 – oficina de culinária empadas
dia 22 – oficina de culinária bolo no pote,
dia 29 – oficina de culinária taça da felicidade
O número de participantes em cada dia de atividade foi de doze pessoas. Abaixo, vídeo publicado nas redes sociais do Instituto Renascer Maria Rebeca, criado pela Dona Alda, documentando essas atividades.
Extrato detalhado do cartão de débito
– 87,00 Gráfica
– 74,36 compras p/ Curso
– 89,42 Compras p/ Curso
– 116,95 Compras p/ Curso
+ R$ 1.000,00 – crédito (Fundo Icamiabas)
159,26 Compras p/ Curso
– 9,36 transporte
– 22,75 Compras p/ Curso
– 15,89 transporte
+ 15,89 transporte devolução
– 5,10 transporte
– 14,10 transporte
– 6,30 transporte
– 12,50 transporte
– 4,30 transporte
– 23,66 transporte
– 258,35 Compras p/ Curso
– 13,60 transporte
– 4,30 transporte
– 329,85 Compras p/Curso
– 8,80 transporte
– 8,90 transporte
– 7,70 transporte
– 46,30 Compras p/ Curso
– 11,60 transporte
– 11,90 transporte
– 11,60 transporte
– 11,90 transporte
– 36,98 Compras p/Curso
8,88 Compras p/Curso
R$ 0,00 SALD
Screenshots of the Swile debit card application used by Icamiaba Alda
January 2024
What was planned
- Main activity (culinary) from the 2nd half of January, expect to hold 5 workshops
- Resources from the fund will be used to buy gas and ingredients to hold cooking workshops (regular feijoada, vegan, creamed shrimp chicken fricassee.
- You do not need to use fund resources for another emergency issue.
What was accomplished
The main activity (cooking) had only two workshops, on 01/25 (Thu) and 01/31 (Wed). Images of these events can be seen below. As a justification for not carrying out the other three scheduled, Alda stated that she had problems with a customer who disappeared without paying for almost a month's worth of hot meals, which forced her to work twice as hard to compensate for the loss in the family budget. The number of participants on each day of activity was ten people. For this same reason, the budget of R$1,000 was not fully used. As a complementary note, she informed that the Instituto Renascer Maria Rebecca gained support from volunteers to improve its presence on social networks, which can be seen here: https://www.instagram.com/instmariarebeca
Print da tela do app Swile utilizado por Alda:
Detailed extract
+ R$ 1.000,00 – crédito (Fundo Icamiabas)
– 1,29 – débito (compra de bombom para desbloquear cartão)
– 351,78 – débito (compra de ingredientes para oficina/curso produção de feijoada)
– 117,00 – débito (compra de gás)
– 157,71 – débito (compra de ingredientes para oficina/curso produção de caldeirada de Tambaqui)
R$ 372,22 SALDO